Friday, 7 January 2011

I 'Heart' Vanessa Carlton Range

When starting my research into the different types of ranges female artists produce and promote. I decided that I would look firstly at their websites, secondly on Google images and thirdly on sites such as Ebay and Amazon. I decided that I would look at Ebay and Amazon as there could be both old and new ranges for sale on these sites. Bellow is what i found:

From these examples I can clearly see that these artists have a verity of products which they have made into ranges which have their own unique packaging and advertising. For example you can clearly see the Taylor Swift banner advertising the range has the range name and examples of the products for sale. As well as Katy Perry having the same packaging on all of the nail vanishes. The ranges which the artists have produced are with their own version of a products already or a set of products. I fell that for Vanessa Carlton we should have a variety of items for example nail vanishes, and clothing accessories such as bags that all have the same theme running through them.  

After looking at artists own ranges in detail me and Melissa had a meeting to discuss the option of creating a range for Vanessa Carlton. After comparing our research and ideas (for example mine being different products with the same theme running through them) we have decided that we are going to create a range called 'I <3 Vanessa Carlton which will consist of a mug, sticker sheet, key rings (one black and one white), T-shirt and a set of two pin badges. The range will also have its own packaging. I am responsible for creating the sticker sheet, key rings, pin badges and packaging.

We have decided that the main focus of each product, and the theme we will run through the products and packaging, will be the words I 'Heart' Vanessa Carlton or I 'Heart' VC. This means that there will be no images used within this range so photography does not need to be discussed or planned. Having chosen this limits the research that I need to undertake on each item specifically. I will be able to us my previous research and this research as a guide for the products and packaging.

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