Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Today our group had a meeting to discuss the progress of our music video. We discussed in detail the issue of time since we where having to re-shoot, and felt we had no other option but to make some changes to our music video. These are the changes we have made.

Music Video Plans - Locations
Intro - Vanessa Carlton walking down a busy street
Instrumental – Flash Backs
Verse 1 - Vanessa walking through Belvedere Village
Instrumental - Flash Backs
Verse 2 - Park
Verse 3 - Green Screen
Verse 4 - Woods
Instrumental - Flash Backs
Verse 5 - Cafe
Instrumental - Flash Backs
Verse 6 - Looking at cards and photos, ripping up letters and throwing teddy
Instrumental - Flash Backs
Verse 7 - Green Screen
Verse 8 - Woods
Instrumental - Flash Backs
Verse 9 - Vanessa lying on her bed with the camera panning around her head
Verse 10 - - Vanessa walking through Belvedere Village
Verse 11 – Park
Verse 12 - Green Screen
Verse 13 - Woods
Verse 14 - Pier

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