Monday, 31 January 2011


Today me and Melissa went to Nuxley Village Park to film the last of our filming in this location. The footage that we captured in this location was a range of mid and close up shots of Melissa (Vanessa) on some of the equipment in the park. 

Melissa was responsible for her costume and make up
I was responsible for picking up the equipment, directing and using the equipment during the shoot
We where both responsible for booking out the equipment

The footage will now go through the uploading process. Here is an example of the footage that was filmed during this shoot.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Today me Melissa, lily and Rebecca went and collected the equipment we had booked out and went to another of our locations. This location was Nuxley Village. Here we set up the tracking along the street and recorded different shots of Vanessa (Melissa) walking down the busy street. We took a variety of shots including a panning shot of the location and tracking shots of Melissa walking.

I was responsible for booking out the equipment
The group was responsible for collecting and returning the equipment
Melissa was responsible for her costume and make up
The group was responsible for directing the shoot

The footage will now go through the uploading process. Here is a clip which we filmed in this location

We also agreed a date four our next shoot which will be on Monday the 31st of January and when we take the equipment back me and Melissa will be responsible for booking the equipment for the next arranged filming date.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Today me, Melissa and Rebecca went to another of our locations. This location was Franks Park Woods in Belvedere. We where clear on what we had to do at this location as we where re-shooting the footage we had taken before as Melissa changed her hair.

Melissa was responsible for her costume and make up
I was responsible for picking up the equipment
We where all responsible for directing and using the equipment during the shoot

Here is an example of the footage.


On Monday the 24th of January Me, Melissa, Rebecca and Lily collected the equipment and went to two of our locations which was Belvedere Village Park and Melissa's house to film the shots that we had planned at these locations. This shoot was successful and we where able to get a majority of the footage we needed, and also finalise plans for the rest of the shoot. We where able to finish the shoot in Melisa's bedroom but no in the park. As we where unable to finish all of the shots we wanted to on this occasion we will be booking the equipment and returning at a later date to complete the shoot. The shots that we created and captured are mid, low and high angel shots of Melissa on the equipment within the park and at her house over the shoulder close ups and mid shots of Melissa looking at photograph's and cards, surrounded by teddies.

I was responsible for booking the equipment
Melissa was responsible for her costume and make up
Me and Melissa were responsible for picking up the equipment
The whole group was responsible for directing and using the equipment

The footage will now go through the uploading process and below is an example of a piece of footage from each location.

Melissa's Bedroom

Nuxley Village Park

Monday, 17 January 2011

Sticker Sheet Development

After researching sticker sheets in detail and taking the photography necessary I selected the images I wanted to use. The first image I have opened in Adobe Photoshop to edit. After opening the image in Photoshop I began by using the magic want tool to remove the background.

As the magic want tool was unable to remove all of the background to the image I decided to use the rubber tool. Instead of using the rubber with harsh edges I decided to smudge the edges meaning that the cut would not be a still making the picture ridged and look unprofessional. I have decided to remove the background as after my research I feel this best suits the sticker collection to have a plain background on which text can easily be added.

After successfully removing the background of the image in Photoshop I saved the image as a PSD. And then opened a blank illustrator file. In illustrator I drew a black square shape which will be the edge of the sticker. I have decided to use this shape as I wish to create a similar sticker sheet laid out in a sililar way to Avril Lavigne with no packaging.

The next step I took was to select file and then import so I could select the image I wanted to import. After importing the image I had saved I re sized the image to fit inside the box I had already created.

This is the completed sticker.

Here is the original image I took. I have opened this image in Photoshop to begin editing the photograph.

When opening the image in Photoshop I used the crop tool to alter the width of the image so that it would be the correct size. After I had finished editing the image in Photoshop I saved the image as a PSD.

The next stop I took was to open a blank document in Adobe illustrator. I them created a box for the sticker to be created inside. I then imported the image which I had saved in Photoshop in the following was in which I had imported the image for the previous sticker.

After importing the image into Illustrator I resized the image to the correct size and positioned it inside the box I had drawn.

After placing the image I created two text boxes so i could insert the logo which my group has created for Vanessa Carlton. This consists of both a V and C written in the font shown below. I have decided to position this on to the sticker as it ensures there are a variety of stickers included on the the sticker sheet.

I then found A red heart by using the search engine Google and imported this into Illustrator. The reasons which I have decided to include a heart. Is firstly so that this product ties in with other merchandise and secondly, because shapes such as hearts are commonly seen on fan merchandise, so including a heart ensures that I conform to the codes and conventions.

This is the finished version of the second sticker.

The next image I opened in Photoshop was an image that I had used to create a keyring. I have decided to re-use this image on a sticker. the reason which I have chosen to do this as artists often use the same image on other merchandise so by doing tis I am ensuring my products are similar to existing products on the market. I did not edit this image in any way and just saved the image as a PSD.

I then opened a blank Illustrator and drew the outside shape of the sticker. As before I imported the image and re sized the image as shown below.

After taking the steps above this is the final version of this sticker.

To create the fourth sticker I decided that I would use this image as it is a similar image used on other products showing a link to Vanessa Cartons merchandise products which is commonly used within existing music artists merchandise.

I have opened this image in Photoshop to begin editing. When taking the image I took great care with the background effect. I wanted the background to be interesting but also plain enough in position text over the top of the image. So when it came to editing the image all I wanted to do was crop the image down to size.

Within Photoshop I followed the same procedure as before until the image was correctly sized and positioned within the box I has created. Bellow shows the process.

As I wanted to include a range of differently laid out stickers I decided that I would create a sticker with slanted text. this also ensures consistency trough the products as this feature had been used on other creations for example the second poster I have created. I Started off by inserting three text boxes. In the first i types in Vanessa, the second Carlton and the third a X. I ensured that this was written in the font my group have selected as Vanessa main font style as shown below. To rotate the text i grouped the text boxes and right clicked. I then selected the transform option and the rotate. A box then appears in to which I typed in how far I would like the text to rotate.

This is the final version of the sticker after following the steps above.

This is the original image used to create the fifth sticker. I have selected to use this image as the costume ties in with other images used. 

To edit the image I opened it up in Adobe Photoshop and coped the image to the correct size. I wanted the main focus of the sticker to be Vanessa Carlton's face as I has decided I was not going to have to text placed over the top of this image.

I then followed the same process as above when creating the box in Illustrator, importing and then re sizing and positioning the image.

This is the final version of the fifth sticker.

Again when selecting this image I considered the other types of images and the mise -en -scene of those images. I wanted to ensure that there were both common themes and similarities as well as differences.  

I opened the original image in to Photoshop and as I had taken great care with the lighting of the background I only coped the image to the size I wanted it to be.

After saving the image as a PSD, I followed the same steps as above until the image was correctly sized and  positioned within the box I had created in Illustrator. The steps I have taken are shown below.

After the image was in the correct position in inserted three text boxes and wrote Vanessa Carlton x in the font my group had decided (as Shown below). I have placed the text underneath Vanessa's arm as this is a suitable space to incorporate the text with the image as well as ensuring it is a different place than I have used before showing variety and catching the viewers eye.

After creating the stickers separably I have positioned then all into one Illustrator document. 

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Key Rings Two & Three Development

After researching and planning the keyring I wished to create and capturing the necessary photography. I began the creation of the keyring in Adobe Illustrator. As I did not need to edit the image in any way as I had already edited the image to create the poster. I imported the image straight into Illustrator. In illustrator I re sized the image and positioned it into the box I had created which was the outline of the Keyring. 

I then searched the Google search engine until I found a suitable keyring hock. I then imported this hock into Adobe Illustrator in the following way.

After positioning the hock in the correct place the keyring was complete.  I make the keyring a miniature size of a poster as whilst researching existing products i found that this is commonly done and is a code and convention. So by doing this I have conformed to these conventions. 

Whilst researching I found that this type of image - a close up on the artists face, is commonly featured on a keyring. As I had specifically taken this image to use on my keyring I did not need to edit the image and opened it straight in Adobe Illustrator. As before I re sized the image to the correct size for the box I had created and then inserted the hock in the same way. The steps I took are shown below.

These are the finished versions.

Poster Two Development

This is the original image which I have taken to be featured on the second poster. The first step I took was to open the image in to Adobe Photoshop.

As when taking this image I had specifically created this background ( as in my research I had discover that many poster the background where plain) all I wanted to do in Photoshop was crop each side of the image.

I then saved the image as a PSD and imported in image in to an Illustrator document. After doing this I resized the image.

I then created three text boxes and in the first typed Vanessa, the second Carlton and the third and X. I then grouped the boxes and right clicked. After right clicking I selected transform and then rotate. This brought up an option box in which I typed in how far I need the text to rotate. After rotating each box I moved them until they where  in the formation shown below. I have decided to rotate the text in this way as it is eye catching and a good use of space.

This is the poster after following the steps above.