Friday, 25 March 2011
Final Video Editing
Today was the deadline for the music video. Before submitting the video I made a few final changes. Firstly, I added a few long cross dissolves to the end shots to add to the emotion and effect the ending has on the audience. Secondly I lip sync a piece of footage which was slightly out of sync with the soundtrack.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Video Editing
After the feedback we obtained by fellow media students and teachers yesterday, our group had a clear idea of how to move the project forward. Yesterday Melissa began to make changes and improvements to the video, and today I continued with these improvements. Today I focused on re-arranging the reversed flashbacks, lip sinking of the pier footage and adding a revolve onto the last shot of the white screen footage.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Today me, Melissa and Rebecca had our music video exported so we could gather feedback from our teachers and peers at this stage in the project. The comments we received were critical but also encouraging. From our feedback we have been able to decide on the improvements which need to be made to our video.
- Ensure all parts of the footage at Erith Pier is lip sync.
- Change the speed of the reversed flashbacks - the speed needs to be decreased.
- Remove the dip to black.
- Place a slight revomve onto the last shot of the white screen.
Video Editing
Today me and Melissa continued to add transitions and motion to our music video. We did this through adding cross fades between shots as well as adding different types of motion. For example slow zooms and jump cuts. By adding motion to the video, the video not only looks more professional but the emotion of the video can be emphasised.
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Video Editing
Today me, Melissa, Rebecca and Lily completed the rough cut of the video. This now means that all footage has been filmed and positioned in the correct places. The next step is to add transitions and motion throughout the video.
Monday, 21 March 2011
Video Editing
Today Me and Melissa ensured that the footage was uploaded and imported into the video editing machine. We then looked through, and sorted the footage before beginning to place the footage into the music video. We firstly began by deleting the old footage in Nuxley park and replacing it with the footage. That me and Melissa filmed this weekend, and lip synced the footage. After this we positioned the footage we had captured on the pier ensuring cuts were made in the correct places and all parts where lip sync.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Today me, Melissa and Rebecca went to Danson park along with Arran to film the last of the flash backs we needed. We have now finished all filming for our music video. On todays shoot we captured footage using a range of different camera shots, which included high angel, mid shots and close ups.
Melissa was responsible for bringing the camera equipment
Me and Rebecca was responsible for directing and filming
The footage will now go through the uploading process. Here are some examples of the footage captured today.
Melissa was responsible for bringing the camera equipment
Me and Rebecca was responsible for directing and filming
The footage will now go through the uploading process. Here are some examples of the footage captured today.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Today me and Melissa met up to film the last verse of the music video and some more flash backs of her and Arran. We began by filming at Erith pier, here we captured a verity of shots from different angels and a range of mid and close up shots. After this we visited a wide range of locations to film flash backs. These included the cinema, coffee shop, Melissa's house and the high street.
I was responsible for bringing the camera and tripod
Melissa was responsible for bringing the jib
The footage will now go through the uploading process. Below are examples of the shots filmed.
I was responsible for bringing the camera and tripod
Melissa was responsible for bringing the jib
I was responsible for directing and filming.
I was responsible for bringing the music.The footage will now go through the uploading process. Below are examples of the shots filmed.
Furthermore, when as a group we reviewed the music video, we decided that the footage filmed in Nuxley Village park was not suitable. I came up with an alternate idea and below is an example the footage captured.
Friday, 18 March 2011
Today me, Melissa, Lily and Rebecca had arranged to film one out of the two verses missing from out music video. The location of this shoot was at Melissa's house. The scene we created was Melissa (Vanessa) sitting curled up on the sofa trying to read a book, finding it difficult to concentrate, she then gets up throws the book down and walks away. They type of camera shots used were firstly a mid shot and the a close up of the book after it had been thrown.
I was responsible for booking and collecting the equipment
The group was responsible for directing the shoot
I was responsible for the props
The footage will now go through the uploading process. Below is an example of the footage captured at this shoot.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Audience feedback is extremely significant and an important part of any project. After completing the pages of the website which I have researched, designed and creating using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I asked various people from our groups target audience to review my work. I explained in detail the aspects of the products the group had agreed on for example the color scheme and the font used for Vanessa Carlton and asked the reviews to be honest about my work giving both negative and positive comments as well as possible improvements.
When showing a fellow media student the whole of the website this is the feedback I received from them.

When showing a fellow media student the whole of the website this is the feedback I received from them.
"I really like the square/tile effect used at the bottom of the homepage. As this breaks up the page, is eye catching and the inclusion of the back and white image is unique and quirky. The overall house style of the product along with the other ancillary tasks of the group is strongly reflected through the website and you can see the care and attention that has been taken when considering the font styles for the website ensuring they are featured on the other products. The use of three key color's is also very effective, professional aids the navigation of the site. The flower border around they edge of the page creates a 'feminine feel' attracting the target audience. The interactivity featured within the website for example the slide, show, count down timer and music player all ensure that the codes and conventions are met. Overall the website is extremely professional and is coherent to all of the other products made for the promotional package of Vanessa Carlton. Lastly having a basic template used on every page is extremely effective and shows consistency through the site".

When showing the target audience the homepage of the website all of the comments where positive. The comments I received especially complimented the choice of layout and interactive features, stating that "the images featured within the slide show are professional and suitable for this product", "good overall layout and use of space with the tile effect" and "strong interactive features which fit the codes and conventions I would expect to see on any music artists website".
When commenting on the scroll bar the reviewers thought it was a "clever and professional way of getting the message across and attraction the viewers eye". When asking the viewers what they thought of the navigation of the website they commented that the "pictures in the boxes aid navigation encourage the viewer to look at more within the site" and that the "navigation of the website is clear and easy to use".
A fellow media student also commented on the copyright information saying that "they are essential to a product of this type and have been positioned in the correct place". The majority of the people who I asked to review the website remarked that the content was "what I expected" and "correct for the product". Lastly the reviewer thought that the font style chosen for the navigation bar, scroll bar and titles of the links was suitable and clear to read".
Merchandise Page
When commenting on the scroll bar the reviewers thought it was a "clever and professional way of getting the message across and attraction the viewers eye". When asking the viewers what they thought of the navigation of the website they commented that the "pictures in the boxes aid navigation encourage the viewer to look at more within the site" and that the "navigation of the website is clear and easy to use".
A fellow media student also commented on the copyright information saying that "they are essential to a product of this type and have been positioned in the correct place". The majority of the people who I asked to review the website remarked that the content was "what I expected" and "correct for the product". Lastly the reviewer thought that the font style chosen for the navigation bar, scroll bar and titles of the links was suitable and clear to read".
Merchandise Page

The comments made about the merchandise page where positive and encouraging, as well an improvement suggested. The viewers liked the way which the interactive slide show header is featured on every page, saying that "the feature work well on every page and shows consistency in the design and layout of the website".
When talking specifically about the section of the page where the merchandise is positioned. The comments where that "the structure and layout of the page are strong" and "this page follows the same codes and convention of professional websites of music artist. When asking what the viewers thought of the Arial text I had used to give the details of the product their response was that, the text is clear and easy to read as well as being a suitable size. One viewer even commented on the red subheading saying that "it stood out and was eye catching".
When showing the is page to my teacher he asked where the links on the merchandise page lead to. When I told him that the links, when selected took the viewer to the external website Amazon. He suggested that I position the Amazon logo on to this page. Doing this would ensure that I conform to the codes and conventions.
Tour Page
When gathering feedback from the target audience about the tour page these are the comments I received. "I like the way the colours are split up, giving the audience relief " and "having alternate colours makes it easy for the viewer to read the text". One reviewer even noticed a spelling mistake I have made which I will correct. When looking at the count down timer all of the people asked felt that this was "a good feature to have, bringing more interactivity to the website. Furthermore the scroll bar on this page was said to be "a good idea as more information can be shown to the viewer in a short space of time".
VC Range Page
The feedback I received on the merchandise page was the following. "Having the information about the product is a good feature" and "when artists bring out ranges and advertise then, the range is always accompanied by a brief into so by doing this the page looks professional". The reviews also commented on the items I had created to feature on the VC range page, saying they "compliment and fit with other products". The font style Arial which the main body of text has been written in has been approved, as the font is easy to read and ties in with the font used on the other pages.
News Page
The news page is the page which me and Melissa designed and created together. When receiving feedback on this page the target audience said that, The scroll bar "shows a good use of space, so that more than one or two articles can be featured". When looking at artists websites it is common for there to be many news posts and updates so using the scroll bar ensures as many as possible can me mentioned in a limited amount of space.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Website Development - News Page
Me and Melissa are both sharing the creation of the news page. We decided that Melissa would write the articles that will be featured on the news page and that I would create a HTML scrolling bar and insert the articles.
Before inserting the scrolling bar I inserted an AP DIV. I then selected the AP DIV and split the screen. I then inserted the scrolling bar by typing in the correct HTML coding and then continued to edit the width and height of the scrolling bar until it aligned with the information on other pages. I felt that it was important to align all of the information so it stats at the same position at the lead and side of this page. By doing this I am ensuring that the website looks both neat and professional tying in with existing hosed websites.
After creating the scroll bar I was then able to copy and paste the articles within the scrolling bar. I then used the options down the right hand side of the page to make the text left aligned, change the font style to Arial, increase the size of the text and change the article headings to be shown in the same font as the other title and navigation bar within the website to show consistency. I decided to ensure that the main copy of each article was written in Arial font, I did this for two reasons. Firstly to show cinsistancy as Arial had been used within the website and is also featured on ther ancillary tasks and secondly as Arial is a crear font which is easy for my target audience to read.
Melissa had written the articles for the news page and saved them into a word document. Melissa ensure that the other articles tied in with other features contained within the website. For example the launch of Vanessa's new range. This ensures that our website conforms to the codes and conventions of existing products, as whilst researching we found that there is a link between featured products items and the articles written for the news page. The print screen above shows the working scroll bar. Me and Melissa decided to position a scroll bar on to the news page of the website as the size of the page is restricted and we would not be able to show many articles on Vanessa. By inserting a scroll bar we are able to include as much information as we wish, and present it in a readable font size with clear spacing between each article ensuring this page looks professional.
This is how the News page of the website looks after taking all the steps I have shown above. Now that I have completed all of the pages I am responsible for creating, I will now collect feedback on the pages.
Video Editing
Today as a group we reviewed the footage and Rebecca make some alterations and suggestions for the end of the video. We have decided that at the end of the music video we will replay all of the flashbacks featured throughout the music video backwards and with the speed and duration of the clips being increased. We have also decided that we will use the footage of Melissa (Vanessa) in front of the white screen but alter the opacity. After altering the opacity of this footage we will lay the clip over the top of the flash backs. We have decided to do this as we fell this not only suits the song but conforms with codes and conventions of music videos with this type of theme.
I have also arranged for our group to have the filming equipment this weekend. This enables our group to film the last pieces of footage we need to complete our music video. As a group we have planned what we need to film. We need to film further flash backs and footage for one verse of the song. We have planned each flash back and the verse, the flashbacks will be filming in a variety of locations and situations in which couples find themselves when dating, for example going to the cinema. The verse will be filmed in a bedroom with Melissa (Vanessa) looking out of the window in her room and laying on her bed with a camera circling her face.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Website Development - I 'heart' Vanessa Carlton Range
After opening the template which has been created for each page the first step that I took was to name the page and to ensure it is in the same position as on the other pages included within the website. The next step that I took was to mark out the space in which I will write an introduction to the range. I have decided to write an introduction as this is a range range and whilst researching other artists ranges found that further information is written on their specific ranges than occupying general merchandise for sale.
I have decided to split the page in two and position the text on the left hand side. I have decided to this as we read from left to right so the text will be the first piece of information seen and he products the last. This not only means that the viewer knows detailed information about the range but that the last piece of information they take in and will remember clearest is one of the products. On the print screen above I have market where I will position the text with a white box.
After positioning the white box for the text I inserted the images of the products included in the range. I decided to layout the products and give the same information as on the merchandise page as this then links the pages and shows consistency which makes the website look professional. I have also used the font style Arial which again is consistent and suitable as this font style is clear and easy to read. Where there are gaps to the right of the page I will position two other pieces of merchandise. At the moment I am waiting for Melissa to change the font featured on her products for this page after we changed the Vanessa Carlton font as it was unsuitable.
When inserting the text I ensured I left aligned the information and that the font was Arial to be consistent with other fonts used. I also ensured that the font size was suitable for the target audience and make the information clear and easy to read.
As on the Merchandise page I have linked the images to Amazon which the one of the retailers which sell the Vanessa Carlton range. I have linked the images to exiting websites as when researching I found this a commonly used idea on music artists websites.
This is how the Vanessa Carlton Range page of the website looks after taking all the steps I have shown above. I will now wait for the last two products of Melissa's to have the font featured on them changed so they are coherent with the other products.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Video Editing
Today me, Rebecca and Lily looked at the progression of our music video and discussed any possible changes and improvements. Lily noticed that a certain clip within out video was not lip sunk correctly so we altered this. We then went on to discuss the final shots we need to create and capture. We need to film a few more flash backs than we had planned. This is because when inserting the flash backs we needed to insert more than one in each instrumental which we had not expected. We have decided that we need more than one flash back broken up with images otherwise the shot is too long and not conforming to the codes and conventions of a typical music video of this genre. Lastly when showing our teacher the footage we had collectively put to together he said that we "now have a music video". We will now continue to edit our existing footage and capturing the last pieces of footage we have planned.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Website - Softwear Problems
The creation of my pages within the website have mostly been completed at home using CS5. When taking my work into school for feedback i found that the school could only run CS3. To solve this problem I firstly opened my work in CS5 and saved the website in a CS$ format and then downloaded CS4 and then saved the project as a CS3 format.
When I took this copy into school everything opened in the program but when selecting F12 to view the website certain parts of the page will not load at school. After seeking advice from my teachers, the problems which me and Melissa where having with viewing the website at school are now solved. They where solved by saving the website in a CS3 format and saving the JPGs which would not appear a GIF images
Video Editing
When joining Rebecca to look at the improvements and additions she had made to the music video we decided to put effects onto the flash back footage and images. We did this by selecting the image and then adding first the black and white effect and then adjusting the brightness and contrast of the image. When showing the progression of the video to our teacher we decided that we would keep the background of the screen white and add effects to the footage. We decided that we would add a dip to white and after the dip the image would zoom in.
Video Editing
Today Me and Melissa watched the footage which our group had filmed on the Green Screen and also the flash back footage and selected the clips we felt best portrayed what we had tried to achieve. We the imported the selected clips into video editing machine gallery and then positioned and lip sunk the footage. As a group we had decided that the flash backs where to be positioned in the instrumental parts of the song. Not only have we incorporated footage into these sections but also images.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Melissa arranged today's shoot which was to capture a range of flash backs. The day was split into two parts. The first part me, Melissa and Arran ( the male figure in our film) went to two locations, which where Franks park woods and Nuxley Village. As a group, we decided that the flash backs should have features which match either the outfit, theme or location of the other shots within the music video and they should all have a romantic feel. For example there are tracking shoots of Melissa walking through Franks park woods and for a flash back we have filmed her in the same location but this time walking a dog with Arran.
The second part of the shoot the whole group where present. We went to Rebecca's house and filmed a verity of shots which included a shot of Melissa and Arran going to prom and sitting watching the television on the sofa. For this shot the equipment we sued was the tripod and camera wand we captured a range of shots including mid, shots and close ups.
The second part of the shoot the whole group where present. We went to Rebecca's house and filmed a verity of shots which included a shot of Melissa and Arran going to prom and sitting watching the television on the sofa. For this shot the equipment we sued was the tripod and camera wand we captured a range of shots including mid, shots and close ups.
- Melissa was responsible for booking and bring the equipment
- The group was responsible for capture the footage and directing
The footage will now go through the uploading process. Here are three examples of the footage I captured at this shoot:
Nuxley Village
Franks Park
Franks Park
Rebecca's House
Friday, 4 March 2011
Agenda - March
Bellow is the last project agenda for the month of March. The final deadline for all parts of the music video is Monday the 28th of March.
Week Beginning 28th February
Week Beginning 28th February
- Make any last changes to ancillary tasks
- Group meeting to discuss the Green Screen filming session
- Group meeting to discuss the flash backs we wish to create and capture
- Complete both Green Screen and flash back filming
- Continue video editing
Week Beginning 7th March
- Review Green Screen and flash back footage
- Upload and edit this footage on the video editing machines
- Lip sink all footage
- Finish filming
- Complete rough cut
Week beginning 21st March
- Review all finished ancillary tasks
- Video editing to add effects and final changes
Today me, Melissa, Rebecca and Lily had arranged to film certain sections of our music video using the white screen, which we have access to at school. We also booked out the video camera, tripod and studio lights and set them up to capture mid shots. The costume that we decided would be suitable for todays shoot was a long black dress (prom dress) with hair extensions and red lip stick. We decided that we wanted Melissa (Vanessa) to look as though she was at a photo shoot in a studio.
I was responsible for the music
Melissa was responsible for bringing her costume and booking the equipment
The group where responsible for setting up and putting way the equipment as well as directing the shoot.
The footage will now go through the uploading process. Here is a clip from this filming session.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Group Discussion - Flashbacks
Today we had a group discussion in which we discussed in detail the locations of the flash backs we need to film to be placed throughout the video. We decided that we wanted the flashbacks to be of both Meilssa (Vanessa) and a boy and that we wanted them to have a romantic theme. We also decided that the flash backs needed to be short but the audience needed to be able to tell what was going on. As a group we have made a list of the locations wish to use and situations we wish to create and film.
- Candle lit dinner
- Watching a film on the sofa
- Mini golf/tennis
- At a bar
- Walking a dog
- Playing games [video or board games]
- Cooking
- Being given flowers at the front door
- Head massage
- Water fight
- Texting
Next we made arrangements and plans for this filming session. It was decided that we would book all of the equipment for Sunday the 6th of March. We continued the discussion by deciding on make up, costumes and hair style.
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